Group of advanced Automation of Machines, Highly complex processes and Environments


Providing next-generation silicon-based power solutions in transport and machinery for significant decarbonisation in the next decade.


Project website


The global energy demand is constantly growing. We need to increase the usage of renewables to reduce carbon emissions. This pushes the demand for efficient power semiconductors, as all types of energy conversion from source via grid to usage need power semiconductors. The markets for discrete IGBTs and for IGBT modules are growing each year by ~15%. The most competitive technology for IGBTs is based on 300mm silicon wafers.


  • Power2Power will push the technical frontiers on high voltage, Si-based IGBTs to new dimensions: increased power density and improved robustness and reliability.
  • Power2Power will show many power application systems, with higher energy efficiency, higher power density and in other respect: for usage in mobility, industry and grid.
  • Power2Power will implement the latest knowledge and results of Industry4.0-aspects along the value chain.
  • Power2Power results will be exploited in Europe in large scale productions: wafer substrate, wafer processing, module as well as assembly and packaging fabrication.


Power2Power at a glance



Project Coordinator 


Dr. Oliver Pyper

Senior Manager R&D&I Programs Dresden

Königsbrücker Str. 180
01109 Dresden




Power2Power is a European co-funded innovation project on Semiconductor Industry. The project receives grants from the European H2020 research and innovation program, ECSEL Joint Undertaking, and National Funding Authorities from eight involved countries under grant agreement No. 826417. The participating countries are Austria, Finland, Germany including the Free States of Saxony and Thuringia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland.