Group of advanced Automation of Machines, Highly complex processes and Environments

A new research partnership between AUTOPIA, GAMHE and LERH apply the principles of engineering to address key scientific and technical challenges in  the field of efficient and green transportation, sustainable development and energy, and intelligent manufacturing.

The research teams are focused intelligent automation for highly complex processes, machines and environment addressing research and development in whole chain from sensors and actuators up to decision-making and control.

This consortium not only combines the expertise of researchers throughout a variety of disciplines, but also reflects an increasing focus on engineering technologies and informatics in tackling the challenges of the society in this century.

By joining our immense strengths in physics and engineering, we aspire to become an international leader on these fields; developing new technologies for transportation, energy and manufacturing sectors and training the next generation of physicians and engineers in this cutting edge research.

In recent years, research work has focused on the conjunction of computational intelligence, novel control strategies and advanced computational algorithms in order to capitalize synergies among:

  • Sensors&actuators and new sensoring techniques and devices
  • Control strategies and Artificial Intelligence-based techniques
  • Hybridization of knowledge representation, learning and optimization
  • Advanced computational algorithms and communication technologies
  • Modeling and simulation paradigms
  • Low cost computing platforms and efficient operating systems




Rodolfo Haber, PhD.

Head of GAMHE

Director/Associate scientist

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Fernando Castaño Romero, PhD

Post Doctoral Researcher


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Alberto Villalonga Jaén, MsC

PhD. Candidate Robotic and Automatic


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Ángel Gómez González

Bachelor in Industrial Engineering


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